Health, Science & EnvironmentThe Environmental Working Group's Tapped Out report identifies unhealthy amounts contaminants including PFAS at more than 1,100 public water systems in Ohio.
Health, Science & EnvironmentWYSO's Shay Frank sat down with the Ohio Department of Agriculture's Director, Brian Baldridge, to discuss the longterm impacts, resources for farmers in the state and possible legislation to assist the agriculture sector.
Health, Science & EnvironmentIn spite of the rain as of late, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is still asking everyone to conserve water as many counties have been in drought conditions.
The Mansfield Water Main Initiative is a four year, 0.25% income tax projected to generate 18 million dollars to replace some of the city's water mains.
Business & EconomyThe Columbus Division of Water said in a statement the overcharge was caused by a billing error that the city is working to correct.
Health, Science & EnvironmentMore than a thousand households in Vinton County don’t have water service. Many people there haul water to their homes. But a $5.8 million grant could start to change that.
Health, Science & EnvironmentDel-Co Water is asking customers to stop all outdoor watering until at least Tuesday because of high water demand.
Climate change is hitting the oceans hard, both warming and acidifying the water. Ocean scientists are hoping the Biden Administration dives in quickly to address it.
The Ohio River Foundation is preparing to plant 10,000-15,000 native trees and shrubs along the banks of three Ohio River tributaries. It's thought to...
The breakthrough suggests that water, vital to life on Earth, could be distributed across more parts of the lunar surface than the ice that has previously been found in cold and dark places.