Vicki Deisner /tags/vicki-deisner Vicki Deisner en-US Copyright Thu, 06 May 2021 19:45:04 GMT Ohio Law To Protect Pets Has Been Largely Unenforced Since 2014 /news/2021-05-06/ohio-law-to-protect-pets-has-been-largely-unenforced-since-2014 The pandemic has created a strain on many Ohio families, but a new report shows it has also been stressful for pets, especially those living in homes where domestic abuse has been prevalent. A law meant to protect people and pets from abusers has not been enforced in most of those cases. Thu, 06 May 2021 19:45:04 GMT /news/2021-05-06/ohio-law-to-protect-pets-has-been-largely-unenforced-since-2014 Jo Ingles