Tony Zilincik /tags/tony-zilincik Tony Zilincik en-US Copyright Tue, 14 May 2019 16:36:45 GMT Columbus Composer Tony Zilincik And Glass Artist Jack Gramann Unveil New Works /show/the-american-sound/2019-05-14/columbus-composer-tony-zilincik-and-glass-artist-jack-gramann-unveil-new-works You might be used to hearing tubas doing oom-pahs down in the basement of the musical range. But the world premiere of Columbus composer and tubist Tony… Tue, 14 May 2019 16:36:45 GMT /show/the-american-sound/2019-05-14/columbus-composer-tony-zilincik-and-glass-artist-jack-gramann-unveil-new-works Jennifer Hambrick Ohio Alphorn Ensemble to Open 35th Anniversary of Merry TubaChristmas Columbus /show/classical-music-with-jennifer-hambrick/2017-12-14/ohio-alphorn-ensemble-to-open-35th-anniversary-of-merry-tubachristmas-columbus Ohio is not a state known for its mountains. The Hocking Hills, the Appalachian foothills and the state’s other areas of rolling terrain, though lush and… Thu, 14 Dec 2017 13:15:00 GMT /show/classical-music-with-jennifer-hambrick/2017-12-14/ohio-alphorn-ensemble-to-open-35th-anniversary-of-merry-tubachristmas-columbus Jennifer Hambrick