superfund /tags/superfund superfund en-US Copyright Wed, 17 Jan 2018 10:00:00 GMT Waste Dumps Remain A Burden For Minority Neighborhoods /news/2018-01-17/waste-dumps-remain-a-burden-for-minority-neighborhoods Marion Motley Playfields is a park on Cleveland’s east side. Named for a local pro football star, it has grassy fields, baseball diamonds and hills.But… Wed, 17 Jan 2018 10:00:00 GMT /news/2018-01-17/waste-dumps-remain-a-burden-for-minority-neighborhoods Elizabeth Miller EPA Vows To Speed Cleanup Of Toxic Superfund Sites Despite Funding Drop /news-partners/2017-10-11/epa-vows-to-speed-cleanup-of-toxic-superfund-sites-despite-funding-drop Superfund was initially paid for by taxes on crude oil, chemicals and the companies that created the toxic waste sites. But those taxes expired in 1995, leaving states strapped to find the money. Wed, 11 Oct 2017 09:00:54 GMT /news-partners/2017-10-11/epa-vows-to-speed-cleanup-of-toxic-superfund-sites-despite-funding-drop Joe Wertz