snowy owls /tags/snowy-owls snowy owls en-US Copyright Mon, 13 Jan 2020 13:17:43 GMT Ohio Researchers Track Snowy Owls To Promote Understanding, Conservation /news/2020-01-13/ohio-researchers-track-snowy-owls-to-promote-understanding-conservation Researchers at Black Swamp Bird Observatory near Toledo are studying the migration patterns of snowy owls as part of a research effort called “Project… Mon, 13 Jan 2020 13:17:43 GMT /news/2020-01-13/ohio-researchers-track-snowy-owls-to-promote-understanding-conservation David Williams It's A Hoot! Snowy Owls Flocking To Northeast Ohio This Winter /news/2017-12-11/its-a-hoot-snowy-owls-flocking-to-northeast-ohio-this-winter A record number of snowy owls are stopping in Northeast Ohio, all due to a biological phenomenon.The owls are native to the Arctic, and it’s normal to see… Mon, 11 Dec 2017 14:40:42 GMT /news/2017-12-11/its-a-hoot-snowy-owls-flocking-to-northeast-ohio-this-winter Rachel Duthie