School Takeovers /tags/school-takeovers School Takeovers en-US Copyright Wed, 13 May 2020 19:41:55 GMT Ohio Supreme Court Upholds State School Takeover Law /statehouse-news-stories/2020-05-13/ohio-supreme-court-upholds-state-school-takeover-law The Ohio Supreme Court has let stand the law that allows the state to take over failing school districts, starting with the Youngstown City Schools in... Wed, 13 May 2020 19:41:55 GMT /statehouse-news-stories/2020-05-13/ohio-supreme-court-upholds-state-school-takeover-law Karen Kasler, Karen Kasler Householder Objects To More Income-Based School Vouchers In Latest Compromise /news/2020-01-29/householder-objects-to-more-income-based-school-vouchers-in-latest-compromise Republican leaders in the Senate have approved a deal that would stop a dramatic increase in the number of public school buildings where students will be… Wed, 29 Jan 2020 11:26:32 GMT /news/2020-01-29/householder-objects-to-more-income-based-school-vouchers-in-latest-compromise Karen Kasler Could 2020 Bring Action On LGBTQ Protections Or Drug Sentencing Reform? /news/2019-12-31/could-2020-bring-action-on-lgbtq-protections-or-drug-sentencing-reform This year, Ohio lawmakers managed to send 21 bills to the governor's desk for his signature. However, there are many other proposals that received a lot… Tue, 31 Dec 2019 10:30:00 GMT /news/2019-12-31/could-2020-bring-action-on-lgbtq-protections-or-drug-sentencing-reform Andy Chow