recalls /tags/recalls recalls en-US Copyright Tue, 28 Dec 2021 19:36:56 GMT Food recalls have dropped off during the pandemic, but no one is entirely sure why /2021-12-28/food-recalls-have-dropped-off-during-the-pandemic-but-no-one-is-entirely-sure-why When the pandemic hit last year, restaurants closed and grocery stores struggled to keep their shelves stocked. A shift also occurred in the national food safety system. Tue, 28 Dec 2021 19:36:56 GMT /2021-12-28/food-recalls-have-dropped-off-during-the-pandemic-but-no-one-is-entirely-sure-why Joe Hernandez Ohio To Include Safety Recall Alerts In Vehicle Registration Notices /news/2019-12-23/ohio-to-include-safety-recall-alerts-in-vehicle-registration-notices Starting in January, annual Ohio vehicle registration notices will include important safety information about safety recalls.The notices are aimed at… Mon, 23 Dec 2019 20:37:30 GMT /news/2019-12-23/ohio-to-include-safety-recall-alerts-in-vehicle-registration-notices Mike Thompson