phosphorus runoff /tags/phosphorus-runoff phosphorus runoff en-US Copyright Mon, 18 Dec 2017 16:21:50 GMT Ohio EPA Wants Stricter Limits On Wastewater Plants /news/2017-12-18/ohio-epa-wants-stricter-limits-on-wastewater-plants In its fight against algae in Ohio’s lakes and streams, the Ohio EPA is moving to expand enforcement of one of its regulations. It’s a move that might… Mon, 18 Dec 2017 16:21:50 GMT /news/2017-12-18/ohio-epa-wants-stricter-limits-on-wastewater-plants Tim Rudell OSU Researcher Studies Farm Runoff /news/2014-08-11/osu-researcher-studies-farm-runoff Scientists believe that farm fertilizer containing the chemical phosphorus recently caused unsafe levels of toxic algae in drinking water in Toledo. One… Mon, 11 Aug 2014 16:20:29 GMT /news/2014-08-11/osu-researcher-studies-farm-runoff admin