pat wynn brown /tags/pat-wynn-brown pat wynn brown en-US Copyright Wed, 21 May 2014 15:00:19 GMT Wellness Wednesday: Big Health Ideas, Cancer Tales, Domestic Abuse /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2014-05-21/wellness-wednesday-big-health-ideas-cancer-tales-domestic-abuse 11 am This year, 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with cancer. Many of them will lose their energy, their appetite and their hair, but not their sense… Wed, 21 May 2014 15:00:19 GMT /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2014-05-21/wellness-wednesday-big-health-ideas-cancer-tales-domestic-abuse admin Giving Back: From Personal Loss to Changing the World /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2013-12-16/giving-back-from-personal-loss-to-changing-the-world 11:00 Saint Francis said it is in giving that we receive, and we couldn't agree more. This hour we'll talk about renewing relationships, and how to… Mon, 16 Dec 2013 16:00:53 GMT /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2013-12-16/giving-back-from-personal-loss-to-changing-the-world admin Hairdo Monologues: Cancer Survivor Story Telling /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2013-02-04/hairdo-monologues-cancer-survivor-story-telling 11:00 Pat Wynn Brown has put together another Hairdo Monologues show where breast cancer survivors, their professional staff, and family members work… Mon, 04 Feb 2013 16:00:45 GMT /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2013-02-04/hairdo-monologues-cancer-survivor-story-telling admin The Humorous Side of Life with the Creator of Hair Theater /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2012-08-13/the-humorous-side-of-life-with-the-creator-of-hair-theater 11:00 On this hour, performer, author and humorist Pat Wynn Brown will discuss summer, life, laughter and what's coming up in her career. Guest Pat Wynn… Mon, 13 Aug 2012 15:00:45 GMT /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2012-08-13/the-humorous-side-of-life-with-the-creator-of-hair-theater admin The Birth of Hair Theater, a Show About Our Hopes and Dreams /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2012-04-30/the-birth-of-hair-theater-a-show-about-our-hopes-and-dreams 11:00 Pat Wynn Brown's current show, "Hair Theater Beauty School," is about taking good care of yourself, being gentle with yourself and helping others.… Mon, 30 Apr 2012 15:00:45 GMT /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2012-04-30/the-birth-of-hair-theater-a-show-about-our-hopes-and-dreams admin Intimacy in Relationships After Age 50 /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2012-03-29/intimacy-in-relationships-after-age-50 11:00 How do our relationships with ourselves and with others change as we age? On this hour of "All Sides," we'll talk about love in many forms - being… Thu, 29 Mar 2012 15:00:28 GMT /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2012-03-29/intimacy-in-relationships-after-age-50 admin Richard Cordray and Consumer Protection/The Power of Humor /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2012-01-09/richard-cordray-and-consumer-protection-the-power-of-humor 11:00 What is in the future for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under new Director Richard Cordray? Guests Richard Cordray (former Ohio attorney… Mon, 09 Jan 2012 16:00:16 GMT /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2012-01-09/richard-cordray-and-consumer-protection-the-power-of-humor admin Life Lessons and Best Teachers /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2011-08-15/life-lessons-and-best-teachers "What will be will beâ€? is one of the great lessons Doris Day sings about learning from her mother in “Que Sera Sera.â€? And we each have our own… Mon, 15 Aug 2011 15:00:55 GMT /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2011-08-15/life-lessons-and-best-teachers admin Holiday Theater Traditions /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2010-11-29/holiday-theater-traditions Theatrical traditions that bring out the magic and deeper meaning of the holidays, with Hair Theatre creator Pat Wynn Brown, Columbus Dance Theatre… Mon, 29 Nov 2010 16:00:36 GMT /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2010-11-29/holiday-theater-traditions admin Hair Theater / Foreclosure Crisis /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2010-08-19/hair-theater-foreclosure-crisis Pat Wynn Brown talks about her one-person, traveling comedy performance piece Hair Theater, spreading laughter, raising spirits and providing wigs to… Thu, 19 Aug 2010 15:00:21 GMT /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2010-08-19/hair-theater-foreclosure-crisis admin