Join us this hour on All Sides as we discuss news in the statehouse, and around the state. Guests: Julie Carr Smyth, AP Statehouse Correspondent Bill…
10:00 - We'll discuss the latest news from the Statehouse, unions, liquor laws, Bob Evans, and more. 10:40 - Rain, rain, go away… This may be one of the…
Special open forum to discuss Governor John Kasich's proposed budget, with Ohio Public Radio Statehouse News Bureau Chief Karen Kasler. Link: Ohio News…
The GOP-controlled Ohio Senate voted 17-16 in favor of Senate Bill 5 (SB5), legislation that would restrict collective bargaining rights for 360,000…
As Ohio politics take a dramatic turn with a Republican Governor and Republican majority in the Ohio General Assembly, a look back at 2010 and look…
The latest in Ohio politics, with Ohio Public Radio statehouse news bureau correspondent Bill Cohen, Columbus Dispatch public affairs reporter Jim Siegel…
Ohio politics in the news, with Columbus Dispatch Public Affairs Reporter Mark Niquette, Dayton Daily News Statehouse Reporter Laura Bischoff, and Ohio…
Ohio’s $800 million budget shortfall and governor Ted Strickland’s proposal to freeze a scheduled tax cut, with Ohio Public Radio Statehouse news…