Kangaroo Crossing /tags/kangaroo-crossing Kangaroo Crossing en-US Copyright Mon, 17 Dec 2018 10:31:00 GMT Kangaroos And Elections Too: ĐÇżŐÎŢĎŢ´ŤĂ˝'s Most Read Stories Of 2018 /news/2018-12-17/kangaroos-and-elections-too-wosus-most-read-stories-of-2018 Not sure if you heard, but the midterm elections were a pretty big deal in 2018. How do we know this? Well, because election stories took up half of… Mon, 17 Dec 2018 10:31:00 GMT /news/2018-12-17/kangaroos-and-elections-too-wosus-most-read-stories-of-2018 Gabe Rosenberg Roo The Day: 'Kangaroo Crossing' Sign Resurrected In Clintonville /news/2018-05-31/roo-the-day-kangaroo-crossing-sign-resurrected-in-clintonville Welcome home, “Kangaroo Crossing” sign.On Thursday morning, Clinton Elementary unveiled the new location of Clintonville’s iconic kangaroo sign, more than… Thu, 31 May 2018 17:10:29 GMT /news/2018-05-31/roo-the-day-kangaroo-crossing-sign-resurrected-in-clintonville Gabe Rosenberg Clintonville's 'Kangaroo Crossing' Sign To Find New Home At Clinton Elementary /news/2018-05-17/clintonvilles-kangaroo-crossing-sign-to-find-new-home-at-clinton-elementary More than two months after the city of Columbus removed Clintonville’s “Kangaroo Crossing” sign, the neighborhood will return it to its rightful home. Or,… Thu, 17 May 2018 18:18:38 GMT /news/2018-05-17/clintonvilles-kangaroo-crossing-sign-to-find-new-home-at-clinton-elementary Gabe Rosenberg Clintonville Rallies To Revive ‘Kangaroo Crossing’ Sign /news/2018-03-22/clintonville-rallies-to-revive-kangaroo-crossing-sign Where once stood a bright yellow “Kangaroo Crossing” sign on Clinton Heights Ave., two smaller yard signs now mark its place: “Never Forget.”Ever since… Thu, 22 Mar 2018 15:20:19 GMT /news/2018-03-22/clintonville-rallies-to-revive-kangaroo-crossing-sign Gabe Rosenberg Columbus Removes Iconic 'Kangaroo Crossing' Sign, To Much Public Outcry /news/2018-03-12/columbus-removes-iconic-kangaroo-crossing-sign-to-much-public-outcry Residents of Clintonville are outraged. The reason? Their beloved “Kangaroo Crossing” sign is gone.For years, Clinton Heights Ave. was home to a bright… Mon, 12 Mar 2018 18:27:05 GMT /news/2018-03-12/columbus-removes-iconic-kangaroo-crossing-sign-to-much-public-outcry Gabe Rosenberg