gmo /tags/gmo gmo en-US Copyright Sat, 19 May 2018 11:55:00 GMT USDA Unveils Prototypes For GMO Food Labels, And They're ... Confusing /news-partners/2018-05-19/usda-unveils-prototypes-for-gmo-food-labels-and-theyre-confusing The labels use the letters BE, for bioengineered, not GMO, which critics say could baffle consumers. One design features a smiling sun that a skeptic calls "essentially propaganda for the industry." Sat, 19 May 2018 11:55:00 GMT /news-partners/2018-05-19/usda-unveils-prototypes-for-gmo-food-labels-and-theyre-confusing Merrit Kennedy Chipotle Opens Very First Hamburger Restaurant Thursday In Lancaster /news/2016-10-26/chipotle-opens-very-first-hamburger-restaurant-thursday-in-lancaster Chipotle's first hamburger restaurant in the U.S. opens Thursday in Ohio as the company continues working to expand its offerings and win back customers… Wed, 26 Oct 2016 23:17:20 GMT /news/2016-10-26/chipotle-opens-very-first-hamburger-restaurant-thursday-in-lancaster Genetically Modified Crops Continue to be Contoversial /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2015-01-14/genetically-modified-crops-continue-to-be-contoversial 10 am Ohio farmers have now joined a nationwide lawsuit against a Swiss agriculture company for selling genetically modified corn before it was approved… Wed, 14 Jan 2015 15:00:26 GMT /all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2015-01-14/genetically-modified-crops-continue-to-be-contoversial admin