gentrification /tags/gentrification gentrification en-US Copyright Mon, 12 Feb 2024 17:24:15 GMT How Eastgate became home to Tuskegee Airmen and their families /2024-02-12/how-eastgate-became-home-to-tuskegee-airmen-and-their-families Eastgate is a Columbus community that prides itself on its diversity. For decades it was a community where middle-class Black families thrived. Mon, 12 Feb 2024 17:24:15 GMT /2024-02-12/how-eastgate-became-home-to-tuskegee-airmen-and-their-families Nora Igelnik A tale of two Franklintons: development and affordability spar in central Ohio's oldest community /arts-culture/2024-02-12/a-tale-of-two-franklintons-development-and-affordability-spar-in-central-ohios-oldest-community Two decades after the completion of the flood wall, Franklinton is seeing explosive development. Now gentrification threatens to displace the neighborhood's families. Mon, 12 Feb 2024 10:00:00 GMT /arts-culture/2024-02-12/a-tale-of-two-franklintons-development-and-affordability-spar-in-central-ohios-oldest-community Allie Vugrincic Gentrification Of King-Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2022-01-07/gentrification-of-king-lincoln-bronzeville-neighborhood King-Lincoln Bronzeville is the latest Columbus neighborhood undergoing revitalization. But, do longtime residents benefit from these changes? As a neighborhood evolves, we explore how will the changes affect its history and longtime residents? Fri, 07 Jan 2022 12:45:11 GMT /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2022-01-07/gentrification-of-king-lincoln-bronzeville-neighborhood Gentrification Of King-Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2021-10-11/gentrification-of-king-lincoln-bronzeville-neighborhood King-Lincoln Bronzeville is the latest Columbus neighborhood undergoing revitalization. But, do longtime residents benefit from these changes? As a neighborhood evolves, we explore how will the changes affect its history and longtime residents? Mon, 11 Oct 2021 13:29:50 GMT /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2021-10-11/gentrification-of-king-lincoln-bronzeville-neighborhood Photos Wrap Ohio City Building In Response To Gentrification /ideastream/2019-08-23/photos-wrap-ohio-city-building-in-response-to-gentrification Malaz Elegmiabby stands in front of a one-story brick building on West 25th Street, a couple blocks north of the West Side Market. She brushes a mixture of flour and water on a 4-foot-by-3-foot portrait of a local resident. "That's Jasmine," Elegmiabby says. "She's an amazing artist. She just got a scholarship." The photo is one of 250 black-and-white prints Elegmiabby is pasting to the bricks on the building’s exterior, with the help of a team of neighborhood residents and anyone else who wants to chip in. Fri, 23 Aug 2019 21:24:55 GMT /ideastream/2019-08-23/photos-wrap-ohio-city-building-in-response-to-gentrification Opportunity Zones /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2018-06-01/opportunity-zones Several states, including Ohio, have proposed neighborhoods that will undergo revitalization under a new federal program. The program encourages companies… Fri, 01 Jun 2018 09:00:00 GMT /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2018-06-01/opportunity-zones Opportunity Zones /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2018-05-23/opportunity-zones Several states, including Ohio, have proposed neighborhoods that will undergo revitalization under a new federal program. The program encourages companies… Wed, 23 May 2018 09:00:00 GMT /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2018-05-23/opportunity-zones 'There Isn't A Just Housing Choice': How We've Enabled The Pains Of Gentrification /2018-01-28/there-isnt-a-just-housing-choice-how-weve-enabled-the-pains-of-gentrification Decades of unjust policies have led to the devaluing of lower-income neighborhoods. But urban sociologist John Schlichtman says closing the gap between revaluing and devaluing can minimize inequities. Sun, 28 Jan 2018 12:56:00 GMT /2018-01-28/there-isnt-a-just-housing-choice-how-weve-enabled-the-pains-of-gentrification Sophia Alvarez Boyd Gentrification or Development /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2018-01-15/gentrification-or-development An Indiana developer breaks ground this year on 1,700 apartments, 150 hotel rooms and nearly a million square feet of office and retail space in… Mon, 15 Jan 2018 10:01:00 GMT /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2018-01-15/gentrification-or-development Gentrification or Development /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2018-01-04/gentrification-or-development An Indiana developer breaks ground this year on 1,700 apartments, 150 hotel rooms and nearly a million square feet of office and retail space in… Thu, 04 Jan 2018 10:00:00 GMT /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2018-01-04/gentrification-or-development