education ohio schools seclusion rooms stateimpact ohio /tags/education-ohio-schools-seclusion-rooms-stateimpact-ohio education ohio schools seclusion rooms stateimpact ohio en-US Copyright Mon, 06 Aug 2012 10:28:20 GMT Locked Away: The Misuse Of Seclusion Rooms In Ohio Schools /news/2012-08-06/locked-away-the-misuse-of-seclusion-rooms-in-ohio-schools They're known as seclusion rooms, scream rooms, therapy rooms, or time-out rooms. They're old offices, closets, even specially designed small rooms with… Mon, 06 Aug 2012 10:28:20 GMT /news/2012-08-06/locked-away-the-misuse-of-seclusion-rooms-in-ohio-schools admin