Join us for a Reporter Roundtable discussion looking forward at state politics in the coming year. We'll consider the various big agenda items Ohio is…
11:00 Governor Kasich proposed a third grade reading guarantee, but it hasn’t been approved by the legislature. What are the supplemental and remedial…
10:00 Yesterday, Ohio Governor John Kasich released his Mid-Biennial Review as a vehicle for major policy change, everything from education to bank tax…
11:00 If Ohioans pass State Issue 3, a clear message would be sent to Washington that a federal health mandate is too far-reaching. Even if a "yes" vote…
10:00... New proposals in state legislature allow drilling for oil and gas in Ohio's State Parks, but what about mineral rights? A discussion about who…
For three decades, state funding for mental health programs was on its way up. Since 2007, however, the upward trajectory reversed, with states cutting a…
Ohio’s mental health system faces a budget crisis. Joining the discussion: Columbus Dispatch reporters Alan Johnson and Catherine Candisky.
The impact of state budget cuts on safety net programs for the poor, disabled, and mentally ill, with The Columbus Dispatch reporter Catherine Candisky.