Health, Science & EnvironmentMany Ohioans are aging. As a larger percent of Ohio's population crosses into their 60s, experts say the state should prepare with changes to the tax code and policies that support people aging at home.
Health, Science & EnvironmentCaregiving, whether for small children or aging parents, comes with significant emotional and financial challenges. Recent research examines the economic and social impacts of the role.
Joe Biden's latest policy proposal would aim to make both child care and elder care more accessible and affordable.
Southwest Ohio leads the state in the number of people with developmental disabilities benefiting from tele-caregiving. That's when technology takes the...
Hundreds of people gathered outside the Ohio Statehouse on Thursday to support a proposed wage increase for workers who assist individuals with…
An NPR investigation last year revealed that a number of VA centers were ejecting hundreds of caregivers from the program. The VA promised reform, but a year later few have returned to the program.
A health poll of Ohio adults finds that more than half of them provided unpaid care for an older relative in the past year.The poll by the HealthPath…