book /tags/book book en-US Copyright Thu, 09 May 2019 04:05:00 GMT Spring Migration With Kenn Kaufman /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2019-05-09/spring-migration-with-kenn-kaufman Sometime in the first 10 days of May, weather conditions prompt the big migrations of tropical birds north. But for some, the migratory season starts much… Thu, 09 May 2019 04:05:00 GMT /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2019-05-09/spring-migration-with-kenn-kaufman Ohio Gov. John Kasich On America's Division And Rising Above 'Self-Absorption' /npr-news/2017-04-26/ohio-gov-john-kasich-on-americas-division-and-rising-above-self-absorption Kasich describes his presidential run and the state of political discourse in his memoir, Two Paths: America Divided or United. "We all need to live a life a little bigger than ourselves," he says. Wed, 26 Apr 2017 09:03:00 GMT /npr-news/2017-04-26/ohio-gov-john-kasich-on-americas-division-and-rising-above-self-absorption Martha Wexler Book Tells Story Of Native Americans Enslaved By Colonists /news/2016-11-21/book-tells-story-of-native-americans-enslaved-by-colonists The first Thanksgiving is a sweet myth of Indians and colonists sharing a meal, but as we now know, the real story is much more grim.An acclaimed book… Mon, 21 Nov 2016 10:00:00 GMT /news/2016-11-21/book-tells-story-of-native-americans-enslaved-by-colonists Debbie Holmes