block grants /tags/block-grants block grants en-US Copyright Thu, 06 Feb 2020 15:30:42 GMT Q&A: Federal Government Proposes Block Grants To Fund Ohio Medicaid /ideastream/2020-02-06/q-a-federal-government-proposes-block-grants-to-fund-ohio-medicaid The Trump Administration is encouraging Ohio and other states to adopt a new federal proposal that would cap Medicaid spending and potentially save money. State lawmakers have not indiciated if Ohio's Medicaid program will embrace block grants as an alternate way to pay for the health insurance program. Proponents say the block grants will provide more flexibility for states. Critics say the plan, which was rolled out last week, would simply pass costs along to low-income recipients and might discourage them from getting medical care. Thu, 06 Feb 2020 15:30:42 GMT /ideastream/2020-02-06/q-a-federal-government-proposes-block-grants-to-fund-ohio-medicaid Marlene Harris-Taylor Republican Plan To Replace Obamacare Would Turn Medicaid Over To States /news-partners/2017-01-22/republican-plan-to-replace-obamacare-would-turn-medicaid-over-to-states Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway says Medicaid block grants are part of the new administration's plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. Sun, 22 Jan 2017 13:01:00 GMT /news-partners/2017-01-22/republican-plan-to-replace-obamacare-would-turn-medicaid-over-to-states Alison Kodjak