black swamp bird observatory /tags/black-swamp-bird-observatory black swamp bird observatory en-US Copyright Tue, 13 Apr 2021 11:27:49 GMT Backyard Birding /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2021-04-13/backyard-birding The great spring migration is picking up steam as waterfowl, raptors and songbirds make the return journey from their winter homes. The pandemic has driven many birding events to a virtual format, but there’s also plenty to see in your own backyard. Tue, 13 Apr 2021 11:27:49 GMT /show/all-sides-with-ann-fisher/2021-04-13/backyard-birding Ohio Researchers Track Snowy Owls To Promote Understanding, Conservation /news/2020-01-13/ohio-researchers-track-snowy-owls-to-promote-understanding-conservation Researchers at Black Swamp Bird Observatory near Toledo are studying the migration patterns of snowy owls as part of a research effort called “Project… Mon, 13 Jan 2020 13:17:43 GMT /news/2020-01-13/ohio-researchers-track-snowy-owls-to-promote-understanding-conservation David Williams Bird Conservation Groups Sue To Stop Proposed Lake Erie Wind Farm /news/2019-12-17/bird-conservation-groups-sue-to-stop-proposed-lake-erie-wind-farm A proposed wind energy project off the coast of Lake Erie is facing a lawsuit from two birding organizations. The groups allege not enough research has… Tue, 17 Dec 2019 22:23:16 GMT /news/2019-12-17/bird-conservation-groups-sue-to-stop-proposed-lake-erie-wind-farm Taylor Haggerty