better dayton coalition /tags/better-dayton-coalition better dayton coalition en-US Copyright Tue, 21 May 2019 13:52:02 GMT Dayton Closing Downtown Streets Ahead Of KKK Rally /news/2019-05-21/dayton-closing-downtown-streets-ahead-of-kkk-rally Ahead of Saturday’s rally by an Indiana-based Ku Klux Klan group, Dayton officials are urging downtown residents, business owners and transit riders to… Tue, 21 May 2019 13:52:02 GMT /news/2019-05-21/dayton-closing-downtown-streets-ahead-of-kkk-rally Jess Mador Dayton Community Plans How To Safely Counter-Protest KKK Rally /news/2019-05-06/dayton-community-plans-how-to-safely-counter-protest-kkk-rally Activists have released details of a plan to counter-protest an Indiana-based Ku Klux Klan group, which scheduled a rally in Dayton later this month.At a… Mon, 06 May 2019 17:00:47 GMT /news/2019-05-06/dayton-community-plans-how-to-safely-counter-protest-kkk-rally Jess Mador, April Laissle