Columbus is expanding access to free tampons and pads to all municipal buildings.
Columbus City Council member Elizabeth Brown that all 29 recreation centers would have free feminine hygiene products. Soon, she says that will be true of all city buildings.
"We’re really excited to be on the cutting edge of what I think is a very common sense issue," Brown says.
While this expansion sounds like a large task, Brown says the recreation centers were more difficult and expensive because of the number of people who utilize those restrooms.
Friday's announcement comes alongside news that Columbus City Schools will pilot free menstrual products in the Columbus Preparatory School For Girls.
"Tampon and pad access in the bathroom is actually a classroom issue," Brown says.
She points to a similar program from New York City Public Schools, which found an uptick in girls' attendance in the classroom after implementing free menstrual products in the school bathrooms.
If successful, she says the Columbus City Schools pilot will expand as well.