A new Quinnipiac University shows a majority of Ohioans support background checks for gun sales, favor legalized abortion and oppose the recently-passed “Heartbeat Bill.”
The poll shows that 52% of Ohio voters oppose a ban on abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected, compared to 39% supporting. That ban, which Gov. Mike DeWine signed into law earlier this year, has been by a federal judge.
More generally, 61% of Ohio voters say they back the “Roe v. Wade” Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Just 32% of Ohio voters oppose it, with the strongest disapproval coming from Republicans, white evangelical Christians and respondents who attend weekly religious services.
“Every other party, gender, education, age, racial and religious group agrees with Roe v. Wade,” the poll says, “including Catholics 54-40% and Protestants 54-42%.”
On guns, the poll show a divided state, with 48% favoring stricter gun laws and 46% against. However, an overwhelming 90% of Ohio voters – including 87% of gun owners – support expanding background checks for gun sales.
The Quinnipiac poll also surveyed the approval ratings of statewide politicians. DeWine, who signed that abortion ban and supports gun rights, enjoys an approval rating of 44-33% after just half a year on the job.
That’s compared to a 51-29% approval rating for third-term Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio).
“Sherrod Brown is the most popular politician in the state of Ohio currently," says pollster Peter Brown.
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) has a 43% approval rating, compared to 41% disapproval.