More than half of Ohio Republicans trust President Trump more than the news media when it comes to "telling the truth about important issues,” according to a from Baldwin Wallace University.
Among all Ohioans, though, 34 percent of respondents said they trust the media to tell the truth, versus 24 percent for President Trump.
The Community Research Institute conducted the of Ohio voters and, no big surprise, Democrats and Republicans gave pretty different answers. Eighty percent of Republicans said they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news accurately and fairly, while only a third of Democrats agreed with that statement.
“I think it is a problem for Democratic discourse because people can't even agree on what the facts are," says Lauren Copeland, associate director at the institute.
Only 40 percent of Ohioans say they have a “fair amount” or a “great deal of trust” in the mass media’s reporting.
But she says the survey results weren't completely polarized.
Asked about the President's Twitter habit, a majority of both Republicans and Democrats said that he tweets "too much."
Trump Richfield, Ohio, to promote his new infrastructure plan.