The has approved the natural gas pipeline, which would run across parts of Summit and Stark Counties in Ohio.
The move late Friday allows NEXUS to build a 36-inch diameter pipeline to carry natural gas from the Utica and Marcellus shales to users in Ohio, Michigan and Canada along a 255-mile route.
Some landowners and municipalities along the route, including the city of Green, have since it was proposed in 2015, saying it was too close to populated areas and would harm property values.
Detroit-based estimated last month it would take seven to 10 months to build the pipeline, and the company still must get FERC approval for its actual construction plan. One of the commission's concerns is how NEXUS will drill beneath obstacles like rivers, lakes and highways.
The unrelated has leaked drilling slurry during its construction, including 2 million gallons in Bethlehem Township along the Tuscarawas River in April.