"Honey, have you seen those three violas?" "I think they're in the trunk, dear." Said NO ONE...EVER. Really? Who leaves an instrument in the trunk?
Every musician I know knows more about the whereabouts of their instrument than their children.
Yet, there they were...or, there they weren't. Three violas, a violin, and a cello. They had all recently been restored and were destined for the in Niddrie, a suburb of south-east Edinburgh, Scotland. The value of the collection of antique instruments was estimated at $166,000.
Now the temptation is to make a joke here, such as being amazed that they didn't take the violin and cello and leave violas in their place, but I shall resist. Instead, I will suggest that next time you are tempted to leave something in your trunk, such as a cello, you think twice.