People who suffer from addiction often feel isolated, but they're not alone. Over 100 million Americans are addicted to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, gambling and sex. And then there's the rest of us who can't lose weight, get out of a crummy relationship or control our anger. This hour, we'll talk to a man 25 years into recovery about how to kick any habit that's holding you back. We'll also look at one woman's campaign for restroom equality and get a post-shutdown update on impending cuts to hospitals.
- Nancy Kramer, founder and chair of ResourceÂ
- Christopher Kennedy Lawford, actor, Â activist and author ofÂ
- Steven Koff, The Cleveland Plain Dealer Washington Bureau Chief
Wednesday, October 21 at 1 p.m., Christopher Kennedy Lawford will be signing his book Recover to Live at the Barnes & Noble at Easton