By 2030, central Ohio's population over 50 will grow an anticipated 90%. Communities have to start planning ahead. With aging populations and more residents, it's important for cities and towns to consider making their environments 'friendly' to people in all stages of life. This hour, join guest host, Steve Brown, as we talk more about planning for lifelong communities in Central Ohio. What social services and support should be provided for an aging population? How will the physical planning change in re-working street design, or zoning codes? How will work force planning function? All this and more, this hour on All Sides.
- Cindy Farson (Director, Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging)
- Laura Koprowski (Public & Government Affairs Director, Mid Ohio Regional Planning Commission)
- Dana McDaniel (Deputy City Manager, City of Dublin, Ohio)
- Andrea Applegate (Director of Workforce Development, Columbus Chamber of Commerce)
Read More:
- The Promise and Paradox in Lifelong Communities: all in the
Promise and Paradox in Lifelong Communities
Senior Impact Series
Capstone Event
Â&²Ô²ú²õ±è; August 4, 2011, 7:30 AM – Noon
Fawcett Center
2400 Olentangy River Road